The bone wrought bow of Ghede the Terror King
a random magic weapon from my DCC game
A knobby pale white and yellow bow, the bowstave wrought of four bones, harvested from the arms and legs before shaping, with a long (dyed blue) drawstring of reinforced sinew. Perhaps five feet in length, users are consistently surprised by it’s balance and light weight.
Tldr imagine H.R. Giger designed a fantasy longbow.
Ghede the Terror King was a brutal, semi-human warlord of the early Landfall period. Ghede was in part a mutant, one whose whose bones were semi-cartilaginous and in places were hollow, (thus making for unique bow making materials when enhanced by magick and the super science of the void. )
When the elves of the void rained down upon the lands of the crawl, Ghede was allegedly one of the “prized tier targets” when the Wild Hunt began
The warlord's killer, taking advantage of the deceased's unique physiognomy, fashioned the corpse into a number of things as a reminder of Ghede's atrocities. Almost certainly some sort of Void magick has been used in it's creation.
The bone wrought bow of Ghede the Terror King
+2 composite longbow - screaming wind
(base damage 1d8+2 +/- Str. mods, Range (s/m/l 80/160/320, crits on a 19-20)
Screaming Wind Quality
The bow is known to make a “moaning, horrid cutting noise; like something is tormenting the air itself.” When fired, the bow roars this exquisite torment to all whom will hear it. Sneaking is not possible when this weapon is being fired.
The piercing shriek is a warbling vibration of molecules radiating outward from the weapon arc itself; this vibration is attuned in particular to repel air and air aspected creatures.
- All air aspected creatures (most especially Air elementals and the like) must beat a DC 22 Will save or be summarily banished. Further, any non-elemental or non-sky aspected other planar/other dimensional beings still find the effect at least irritating but take no damage, only offense.
- A successful critical strike triggers an area affecting Sonic Attack that affects an area 20 feet to either side of the bow’s fired arc; All within this area must beat a DC 20 Fort save or be rattled; those rattled suffer a fear effect that reduces all actions by 1 for the next d20 rounds due to demoralization and fear
- Targets struck by the bow’s arrows, regardless of the type of arrow fired, always take at least 1d6 damage, (yes even if the bow is firing Green Arrow style “dumdum arrows) and those targets are affected by a bleeding wounds condition, target taking an additional hit point of damage per round per hit until healed, magically or otherwise.
- At any time a specific target may be named and the bow will provide a +4 bonus to hit and crit on an 18-20. However, this effect lasts only a single round; other bow abilities are cancelled for the duration of that round.
Note that on a fumble, there have been known to be consequences. Some ideas include:
- Shaft of arrow disintegrates as it’s arc tears a hole in space. Alien light pours out of the tear in the fabric of reality and Somewhere Else is on the other side.
- Sonic Boom - everyone in 500’ need make a DC 20 REF save or become prone. Also a DC 15 FORT save or take an additional 1d6 sonic damage; 25% the character gets stuck with tinnitus afterward.
- Wielder begins bleeding, suffering 1d8 hp in blood loss for the next round as blood just pours out of them.
- A bit of the bow’s Void dweomer lingers on the character’s etheric body; the next five creatures they slay will linger as ghosts or spirits until dealt with, haunting and pestering their slayer. (See An American Werewolf in London if you haven’t.)
- The blood is on your hands; weapon works fine but afterward the user finds their hands covered in blood. In some way the wielder has tapped into Ghede’s stain of atrocity; From this point onward whenever the bow is used, the wielder will find the blood of Ghede’s victims on their hands and their cries in their ears.
- The bowstring snaps and with a hungry, sucking sensation, takes one (75%) or two (25%) of their fingers off, leaving bleeding stumps in their place. Each finger lost however adds ten to both the attack and damage rolls this one time.