Appendix G

Appendix G
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Friday, September 4, 2020

Voyage of the ICSS Serendipity (Expansion material for Orphans of the Black)


Voyage of the ICSS Serendipity


“At these velocities, time, and distance, space, and light - even such commonalities as sight, and meaning, all become highly relative phenomena.”


This article augments the (otherwise greatly abbreviated) voyage of the ICSS Serendipity into the Interrupts. (Sub-ether 2 p 75), doing so in the form of a day by day accounting of the voyage (done as an event log with *short* sub tables and statblocks accordingly).  If you have access to the Sub-ether rules in Galaxy Black you are encouraged to embellish or ramp up what’s here or substitute your own choice of encounters. It’s your game.  


Ship voyage time - Day one – Ship’s clock set to zero hour, Serendipity dives into the shallow first layer of the Sub-ether.  Wherever the party is located, the remaining visible hull damage all speak as though the holes are mouths, moaning once greatly in unison first in horror and then ecstasy as the ship descends into Sub-ether from material space.

For the next progression (seven days) the PCs are all somewhat laid up with jump sickness;  meanwhile the walls seem to bleed or crawl with devouring insects.  Soft calming music plays in your compartment. It doesn’t help.


Day twoBehavioral Meme Breakout - an epidemic of “being a single person standing in place and then shouting, carrying on a sustained scream until stopped or passing out” hits the crew passing inscrutably from one to another, sequentially but randomly until it has passed through every single person aboard.  Should take most of the journey…..


Day three Throughout the vessel, all of the corridors seemingly have gained an additional 500 feet while traversed.  Everyone on board is very patient with you but they don’t seem at all alarmed.     “Ya okay. mmmm Space is weird,. man.”


Day four a small group of spectral entities get through the tatty ghost screens and lay waste to the outer upper deck, slaying several members of command.  They are repulsed.  The party hears of it later.


Day five as all are sharing a communal meal in the Gods’ hall, one of the ship’s engineers literally just fades from existence. Any technically inclined characters may be recruited to become Engineer’s Assistant 4th Class - (apprentice)


Day six – most of the crew are hypnogogicly aslumbered as the vessel drops into a lower sub-ether depth.  Everyone has intense fever dream visions of a charging army, an actual wall of screaming maenads charging at them with sword, axe, and dagger.  A day of stupid jump scares puts everyone on edge

Meanwhile the gravity drive has trapped 1-6 photonic birds in it’s drive tubes until the vessel rises back to the first sub-ether on day Nine (see below).


Day seven A few younger members of the crew known to the PCs inscrutably age 40 years, leaving one of them infirm and pro’lly close to death.  These effects are persistent.


Day eight meme warp. Everyone make a Will save (DC 13) or have one of the following irretrievably spinning around in the back of their head …. Forever.

“… the desert, or the sea, that only voices out of the air can reach them”

“……..mana – mana…..doo DOOOO dee DOOO DOO mananana doo doo DOO DOO”

“ARRmor hot dogs….”


The ancients of the radio shell surely spoke in quite strange riddles.


Day Nine  The ship makes what appears to be unexpectedly good time/arc and rises back into the first sub-ether several days early.  In the drive compartment, the photonic birds trapped days before briefly have a window of escape. Somewhere else aboard vessel these critters “materialize”

Photonic Birds (1-6)  Init +0; Atk   fists +1 “bite” melee (1d6 light absorbsion); AC 16; HD 2d8; hp; MV 230’; Act 1d20; SP dark matter creature, creature of the vacuum photovore; SV Fort+0, Ref +0, Will +3; AL N.

Dark Matterthe creature is wholly composed of non-baryonic ‘dark’ matter which ignores matter and energy completely but affects and is affected by gravity.  Lower forms of such life are common along the galactic rim and the void beyond as well as in specific concentrations that seem to follow ancient galactic ‘leys’ splayed outward from the core as a spiral.   Such creatures are commonly destroyed by the use of Gravity Drives,   It is thought by some that the empire’s artificial gravity technology attracts such beings. 

Photovores - the being’s spiritual, psychic, or metabolic needs require them to feed upon light and its constituent make up, literally consuming available light sources. Such Light eaters gorge when fed and thus create darkness in a 5” radius / HD each round that the creature gives itself over wholly to consuming available light. 

When confronted with a hologram, the Photovores will be able to inflict 3d6 ‘permanent’ hit point damage per bite attack

Creature of the Vacuum – the life form is native, descended from native, or was long ago engineered to survive natively in a near or total vacuum and is adapted to such an environment.

Creature begins with 1d3 innate resistance of the effects of cold, heat, and exposure; each time such damage is inflicted, the creature takes 1d3 less damage than would have been the case.   The Judge can stack this many times on the same life form to create much hardier vec life creatures.  Each time this is taken, the resistance stages up once on the dice chain.   Further all such creatures save v. dazzling, bright light, and radiation at +4 but this saving throw is not augmented by stacking this ability. 

Such a life form requires no vacuum suit to work in space though may still require an environment suit when going planet side or into a strange atmosphere (which for most such creatures will be all of them) - at the Judge’s option any single atmosphere can be considered non-hostile and so the creature will not need additional protection; commonly Garden oxygen-nitro atmosphere but not necessarily)

Day Ten   necrotic warp discharge – the ship is momentarily washed in a wave of negative energy that sucks the colour out of all within it for but a moment.  IN the aftermath the character with the lowest luck score has …changed.  Roll once on Physical Appearance of Un-dead (DCC core p 381) and apply the results immediately.


Day Eleven - Day of the Reader In the Sub-ether the ship is surrounded by strange misshapen lights, orbiting ominously in a perfect ring.   The Green maiden manifest many places on the ship at once, seeking you out -  “You” being

a) anyone who has espoused interest in playing a psion, psychic, telepath, or other such 

b)  anyone the Judge choses at random

c)  the character with the single highest combination of PERS + INT

Those selected are offered a glowing seemingly golden apple, nut, acorn, or berry, as appropriate to the character and life form.   Those who consume it will experience an incredible psychedelic vision resetting that realigns their cozmik Yuka.

On waking they have developed Empathy at 1d16.  Those already so gifted will find the action die for it now boosted to a d20k, and they have gained a psychic proclivity. 

Meanwhile the lights outside dissipate and fade.


Reader Proclivity/Truthseeker Psion - secrets are impossible around you, they seem to be drawn to your mental ability of their own accord. Whatever is repressed calls to you, whatever is hidden whispers

+2 to discern or detect hidden strategies, kept secrets, things they aren’t supposed to talk about, and the like during any psychic activity. 


Day Twelve  11-30 breveavement hallucinations (see below) are loosed on the ship.

Active Perceptual Breveavement Hallucinations – one of the commoner consequences of Sub-etheric travel, these are NOT the spirits of the dead, but are instead noosphere memes of ‘seeing dead loved ones’ (already commonly spawned while traveling through the Sub-ether) which have gathered enough spiritual residue to take on a quasi-real existence when infused with the attention span of a living creature.

No stat blocks are given – they are but a nuisance albeit a frightening one.  They are not genuinely dead creatures nor un-dead but a phenomenon only common because of the effect an active gravity drive has on the Sub-etheric medium and the ectoplam around it.  They have neither self nor sentience. Whatever they say to you is pulled literally from your own mind.   Experienced spacers know that if they are persistent, to not engage with them. Literally “ignore them and they will go away.”


Day Thirteen  Healed scars move position on the body of the PCs. If they have a scar on their left upper arm, as of today it is on their right upper arm, or distributed somewhere randomly.

Beginning on this day, check for arrival; Roll 1d6. Arrival and emergence from Sub-etheric depth occurs on results of  6+

On arrival see Day Seventeen below.


Day Fourteen  The character with the lowest luck is stalked by their reflection today, which acts independently and makes rude gestures at you when you are not looking but when others can see.

Check for arrival again. On arrival see Day Seventeen below.


Day Fifteen the party member with the highest PERS experiences an active hallucination of their own death on the moon to which they are journeying.   Someone you trust has shot you in the back and leaves you, in your leaking suit out on the vacc surface to die slowly and alone.

Check for Arrival at +2 On arrival see Day Seventeen below.


Day Sixteen  the ship’s master of patterns comes to one of the party members – apparently they would like to scan in an item of the party’s beginning equipment into the ship’s Makers.   If the party member acquiesces then a duplicate of that precise object will become standard equipment abord the ship within the next four progressions.   Aboard ship this carries with it social status and makes you look good. +1 XP to the donor

Check for Arrival at +4 On arrival see Day Seventeen below.


Day Seventeen – Arrival – if it hasn’t already the Serendipity rises out of its Sub-etheric trajectory, rapidly breaking up into the first Sub-ether and then into normal space, perhaps 100 light minutes outside of the Ilthea system.   Anyone who has not ‘spent xp’ over the course of the voyage (functionally anyone not first level) must made a DC 14 Fortitude save or find that within 1d4 hours of their return to normal space (roll 1d4)

  1. They have aged one additional year physically
  2. Their hair or other similar structure has turned white.
  3. They have developed tiny purple-black thread shaped scars around their eyes.
  4. Their hair, or nails begin to fall out or they begin to shed/molt, though without unusual biological effect. 

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Beyond Mere Space Mercenaries - Other Game Ideas and Concepts for Sub-ether and Galaxy Black

So sub-ether 2 probably represents the best (so far) the sort of default assumed game play inherent in Galaxy black[1], namely “zero levels leave their crappy home habitats and get in a starship and wander around, all along (and considerably beyond) the imperial border.  Where imperial means “any expanding colonial power.”  Call it the Federation, call it the Alliance, whatever.  If it’s a high tech stellar power with psi powers and colonial expansion, that’s the imperium.  

Or to put it more bluntly – traditional D&D DCC in SPAAAAAAAAACE

Which is wonderful. But Galaxy Black, thundering bulk that it is, allows for all sorts of other weird SF gameplay.  Here’s some examples -


Other Game Ideas and Concepts

 Intergalactic Dinosaur-y  Dinosaurs Mr. Rico, A Whole Galaxy Of Them! 

Thanks to some unexpected Navigator assistance an Imperial Legion has boarded and (somewhat) captured, one of the Aerkeroi[2]; 300+ million year old terraforming factory craft, a vast mobile automated ark that goes to worlds, mass material terraforms them and introduces an artificial ecology before moving on to the next world. An ISA boarding team was able to confirm their “Elder Thing Hypothesis” – linking this to a series of four other known “BDO” class objects known to exist at near to hyperlight velocities moving out of or away from our galaxy.
An intact data sample suggests in fact hat a sixth ark should by now be reaching (X galaxy) and transforming all of 50 million theorized worlds into copies of the Teranayan Mesozoic …
….. and so your ship is being outfitted to travel to this distant galaxy and explore, chart, and colonize those 50 million garden worlds, each of which should have extensive and harvestable higher animal life
Of course, on the far side of that galaxy the Aerkeroi in question is still spitting out worlds. Once there, can they find – and capture – such a prize? A maker on such an awesome scale could be capable of almost anything…..
Ideal for large parties of leveled PCs who should probably be the colony / colonization leaders who should probably have access to most o the gear in Galaxy Black
Plus dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are rad. The mix of pseudolovecraftiana and Cenozoic remixed nonsense should ,make for a fine Galaxy of the Lost type situation.

The Unvisible College

An all Wizard (or Wizards and elves, or Wizards elves, and clerics really, add casters from supplements and variants to taste) game in Galaxy Black would pro’lly look something like the Invisibles, with rival cabals of casters trying to bring about one or more ‘noosphere events’ to rewrite reality … or some other high sounding but ultimately very …. Revelatory (meaning destructive among other things here) goal.
But in broad strokes the Invisibles, say volumes 1-5 of the trade backs)
Or Shade the Changing Man (the Chris Baccalo / Peter Milligan run from the 90s) sadly there is only one collection of this out there that I know and it’s from the weaker early issues.


Judges Raid Thine Bookshelves

Easiest way to prep a low prep GB game? Okay this is the smartassed answer so it’s the true one – grab any three issues of one or more of the following 2000ad, Heavy Metal or Epic Illustrated, almost any old Warren or EC sf or horror comic (though in a pinch any horror, F&SF comic will do), find the three most visually interesting stories, stick this on a planet somewhere in the galaxy and hit Go!   Write up stuff as you go based on what you liked from the material and don’t be afraid to riff.  Your own notion of the idea is better than the original idea for our purposes.  Mix this with whatever else you fancy.   Ditch the parts of the concept you don’t like.  Figure out how it fits together as you go.

Don’t be afraid to let player theories become emergent truths.  Especially when theirs is a better idea than whatever bs you had prepared. You can always come back to it if you need to ditch this angle.


Existing resources you may already have in your gaming library

Star shrine of the Seamother
Shrine of the Kuo-Toa becomes a dandy God level for a passing starship of aqua-galactics; shove the temple complex deep inside a starship, change literally nothing else. Blibdoolpoolip makes a nasty ship’s goddess, and moreover has been written up ..somewhere online. (the only link I had was a g+ link, damn that stings)


Dwellers inside the Forbidden Worldship
For that matter, have the PCs find an old starship adrift, orbiting a hot young star in a system teeming with life. When they board break out Dwellers of the Forbidden City In my experience you can run it pretty much as is with a few obvious exceptions – just placing it inside a hollowed out asteroid, riffing off the old Star Trek episode The World is Hollow and I have Touched the Sky, running with the backstory that it was a Quetzal era generation ship that was long ago overthrown by servitor beings on board.
Once Sub-ether 3 drops you can even have the Forbidden Worldship serve as the secret asteroid base of the White Sun but now I’ve said too much….
(and as I’ve said elsewhere you can do this exact thing even better with B4 the Lost City[3]. Just on the off chance any of you might have scored a copy of THAT recently.)

Because you own Sailors on the Sunless Sea (right?) - Stick the chaos temple atop the sunless sea on a body like Europa or Ceres and get a VERY different sunless sea. Space is littered wit the vacuum packed ruins of dead civilizations……

[1] Maybe more accurately it’s what I feel most people will do with it out of the box.


[2] The Arkeroi  - 300 mya elder thing terraforming device/craft/BDO;

Maybe such things are large (VAST) mobile automated arks, that go to worlds, genesis effect them, and then introduce an artificial ecology

Much of it might be Terran derived at least in part.


[3] I find the statblocks in B/X era adventures to be plug and play levels of usable for DCC, just add and remix as you go.  Which does bring to mind that you could also combine these ideas and run the Asteroid of Dread. Have fun with it whatever you do!

Monday, August 31, 2020

The Orphangrinder’s Crew (Sub-ether 2 support article)

 The Orphangrinder’s Crew

The Crew of the Maenad “raiding yacht” Fleshgarden

 While the proper name of Sonja’ s vessel is the “Queen Sonja’s Flesh Garden,”  more than a few maenads of other vessels smirk and call it the Orphangrinder. 

Sonja’s reputation, such as that she has one among the other captains, is of one who is perhaps overly fond of adopting strays.  Sonja has non-Maenads serving on her ship, which is not unheard of on a maenad ship (where each Captain makes the laws ultimately) but she has many of them.   Several others, especially – at present – many of the officers she considers her “command staff” may be Maenads but were all ‘recovered’ (as she likes to say) from settlements and situations not of a maenadic aspect.

Her XO was taken as a child and raised in the imperium as a slave; for many decades he was molded into a brainwashed intelligence asset for a noble of one of the great houses; In the last two decades he has sought freedom, but only in the last ten years has he known Sonja. 


“You can be a knife, or you can be a bloody wound.

I am the knife.”

Free Download - the Orphangrinder's Crew 

Get Sub-ether 2 HERE

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