Appendix G

Appendix G
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Thursday, December 14, 2017

0 level character creation for a Galaxy Crawl

Something I've been tinkering away at for some time. Not to be a one trick
ungulate but hey look Gwen made another DCC hack......

This part you know  -
3d6 in an order; Str, Agil, Sta, Int, Pers, and Luck.  
All 0 levels begin with the following traits
HD of 1d4
A BAB of 0; all saves at +0

Roll  origin
The Origin table - where you’re from

 - replaces table 1-2 luck chart (aka the birth augur table).
Roll profession
The 0 level profession means what you did before
 - A trade, skill set, or way of life that you have
followed at some point prior to now. Replaces
table 1-3 Occupation.
Roll Being
Your type of Being literally defines the nature of
your existence until this point.
Determine kit from the above;  roll once on
starting gear (replacing table 3-6 equipment)

Notes: Where applicable, apply modifiers in order of reception;

Origin mods first, then profession and so on.

Table 1-1 Origin
Belter tribe
Coreworlder runaway
Hiveworlder troublemaker
Also Medieval Screwhead

Table 1-2 Profession
Basic Pleasure Model
Escaped slave
Experientially Free Backup Persona
Imperial Scum
Legionnaire backpedaler
Protected Environment Worker
Imperial surf
Vent rat

Table 1-3 Being
Deadsleeve parasite
Organic Humanoid

Gear tables next post!
Freeware plain copy citizen.

Galaxy Crawl - Basic Chargen Tables 1, 2, and 3. 
Table 1-1 Origin d5 (d6 optional)
Abandonware - You are an orphan. Your progenitors died, dropped you off
and left, or you never knew them. More, you pretty much grew up on this
rock.  Fun.   Swap out two points of PERS for INT Right Now you poorly
socialized survivor you.
Kit: vac bag covered in knick knacks, washable one piece coverall,
5d24 credits in assorted random unremarkable crap.  Skinned knee
or leg segment.
Detail:  Desperate craving for family and belonging
Belter tribe - Your family can trace it’s microG roots back 23 or more
generations;  Swap out two points of Str for 2 points of Agil RIGHT NOW.
Kit:  Personalized and kitted vacuum suit; 2 seal patches, envirosuit
micro repair kit, rock dust EVERYWHERE
Details: Pale af, random blue and purple spotting from radiation burns,
no glare response, a mixed patrois of spacer, belter, and microg slang.
Coreworlder Runaway - why in all the hells are you here?  No real skills but
from a land of opulence and way post ‘human’ possibility. Might know
people.  Swap out a point each from your STR, STA, and AGIl and add it to
your PERS, INT, and (yes) Luck immediately.  Why luck? You came
from a coreworld dood. As a Coreworlder you are very used to
technology-as-magic; also work is hard and probably
not really for you.)
Kit: You have never been not surrounded
by interactive smart matter before. Life is scary.
Detail:  You are f’ing miserable.
Hiveworld Troublemaker  - what did you do?  Go a little too far with the
old mega violence?  You are some representation of the worst of
your homeworld’s criminal masses.  Go nuts.
Kit: extensive criminal record, scar/tattoo/body mod
to indicate affiliation or prsion time, one small melee weapon

Detail: Be constantly  out be all the open space and how lonely it feels.
 Crowds and tight spaces are your jam. Often mega violent and
drug fueled. Also wonder (out loud even)
Spacer - you were born on a ship and cannot imagine life planetbound.
Your ship defines your culture.  It’s gods are your gods.   It’s taboos
are your taboos
Kit: very broken-in vacuum suit;  lots and lots and lots of pockets.
(wholly optional ) Medieval Screwhead -  Typical regressed world;
 probably agrarian and medieval at best.  (Gongfarmer!)  
Could be interesting if you’re a bot.   Can easily be subbed for a standard
0 level DCC character.
Kit: roll once from the normal DCC 3-6 Equipment table
Detail: or just makie a DCC 0 level. Or like four of them.

REQUIRES HERE Spacer profession subtables AND
Ship culture tables, poss. abbreviated)

Table 1-2 Profession d10
Basic Pleasure Model -
Regardless of Being, the character has been some manner of doxy,
escourt, courtesan, companion, or the like.  The character may
have indentures or be a free person.
Kit: One outfit, barely there.   Reputation.  “Skills.”
Detail: Training or Programming
  1. Streetwalkier
  2. Doxy
  3. Licensed Socialator
  4. Guild Courtesan
  5. Temple Companion
  6. Contracted slave, possession, or toy.
Enviro technician -
Kit Single stained work safe garment, monotony.
  1. Imperial Hygiene Technician
  2. Foodvat Technician
  3. Atmosystems trainee
  4. Hydrogarden Custodian
  5. Mycovat Technician
  6. EnviroControl Tech aka Bug hunter 
  7. Waste Reclaimation
Escaped Slave -Your legal owner managed to lift ship without you. This
is your chance.  
Kit: you start with nothing save a single change of (either last
issued or stolen) clothing that you are wearing right now.
Detail:  Hide.
Experientially Free Backup Persona -
You are someone’s extra clone or backup; for whatever reason it was
decided you were no longer needed.  Rather than properly recycling
you however they purged all but the most basic concepts and then
released you as a Free Person.
Detail: Roll again to determine the nature of the
person who you are a partial backup for.  
Kit:  50d4 starting credits in compensatory currency, one random item
of the persona you are backing up, rude hexadecimal sintoo
somewhere on your body
Imperial Scum -
Kit false papers matching your SocMetrics;
single non-military weapon
Detail:Regardless of what you are or where you are
from, you are part of the problem and some
of the worst scum the empire has to offer.  What
kind of crime are you after?
  1. Organ legging
  2.  Political Revolutionary
  3.  Unauthorized trader in spice and agricultures (you’re a smuggler)
  4.  Unauthorized Travel, Interstellar you’re not allowed to move between the stars
  5. Kick murder
  6. Unauthorized Digestive Activity (cannibalism or other consumption of imperial citizens or materials
  7. You are a thief
  8. Terminated gene line
  9. Less than 7 generations of descent from an Imperial Traitor.
  10. Thought crime.
Legionnaire backpedaler - You signed and sealed sentient, and now your
ASS BELONGS TO THE IMPERIUM.  But maybe you don’t want to have
your body reshaped to fit combat specifications….maybe you joined
because of a girl, or a droid, and they dumped you Mr. Rico, or maybe
you figured out that that the Xeno-Legions really are just full of
deviants who want to fuck aliens (e.g. each other).  Whatever the
reason, you are desperately trying to get the dren out before the
Census Inquisitor comes knocking….stowaway on a starship, it works in
the holo-opera all the time!
Kit:  the clothes on your back or equiv. Some local hard dosh,
fear & uncertainty.
Detail: Keep your head down. Everyone knows there’s a bounty paid for
info on Intention Traitors like you.
Prole -You exist in a safe and utterly placid existence, likely in a controlled
democracy or other political circumstance.   Your vote and basic rights
are surrendered in exchange for the basics of a  fundamental existence;
a cot, a low quality, high domicility datafeed,  and the bare minimum of
fero, soya, or nutri-pak rations.   You have no  real skills at all but a lot
of free time.  Also you cannot leave your work  group without
surrendering rights to the above that most never do. You did.
Detail: You start with nothing, but dammit you are seeing the verse.  (Escaped
Slaves cannot take this) Possibly as much as the Imperial
population exists in such a state.
Protected Environment worker -
Kit - one (light) environment suit of the appropriate type; a dire
need for a bath, clean-can, liquid hose, or sonic shower.
  1. Biological Hazard
  2. Vacuum
  3. Joveworld
  4. Exotic Atmo
  5. Hostile Background Resonance (aka Taint)
  6. Meme and conceptual hazard worker
  7. Squig Wrangler
  8. Sometow Hunter
  9. Radiation
  10. High-G
Imperial Serf -Rather akin to the Prole, above, but less comfortable.
Roughly 1/12 of the imperial population exists thus.  You are the lowest
of the staggering numbers of the imperial underclass from one of any of
over 10,000 worlds.  Urban, agricultural, whatever, you have existed to
serve others at their behest for the whole of your existence.
Kit: 5d12 Milicredits.  One random item from table Random Starting Items
Detail: You aren’t really allowed to leave home, so get moving.
Vent Rat - in another era you would be called an urchin;  you live off the
record in a large habitat, arcology, or similar settlement
and live by your wits.
Kit - skinned knee, assorted valueless junk, single torn
jumpsuit that doesn't fit you any more.
Detail - Ye are filthy

Table 1-3 Being d4

Assimilating Communal Entity- You are actually an advanced communal
life form made up of hundreds (or m0re) smaller, lesser forms.  You are a
CIFAL or such; despite the reservation your kind cause, you are determined
to fit into the mainstream of imperial society.
Kit: Young or freshly rebooted you have little
Details:  While technically being reduced to 0 hp does not kill you and you
may theoretically have a very long lifespan ahead of you, you can never
benefit from Rolling the Body results.  When reduced to 0 hp, the
Communal entity disperses and the central governing intelligence goes
to “sleep” while a small number of component beings seek out means
to form a new body.  When this new body is formed (be it of the same thing
or possibly made of a local but similar life form) it will have a new personality
and skill set, as part of it’s identity does arise from it’s host organisms.
In effect a new character.
Deadsleeve parasite - You are one of the XCX-66: small neural parasites
that inhabit the recently deceased.  You have possibly hundreds of years of
memories if not more but must still start again.  Roll again to determine
nature of new host body and starting Kit.  Roll your Str, Sta, and Agil twice
and take the better of the two results to take the recent resleeve into
Kit:  Processing chip under skin, whatever else the host starts with
Details:  May or may not be experiencing  a temporary bout of body
dysmorphia (role play it) as you adjust to the new host.
  Also roll a d6.  On a 1, take four off of your PERS as it increasingly
becomes clear that maybe your resleeve was not the …..freshest one
available.   Some neuromuscular and other microbiological degradation
has occurred, and no matter what, that smell isn’t going away.
Also, if your meat suit (what those around you mistakenly call your body)
dies, make the roll the body check at +4. Success means *you* survived
just fine and are on the lookout for some fresh corpse action.
 MV 5’  HP 1  App: gray-green ew slug
Note that any revived corpse must repeat the d6 roll as above unless
explicitly ‘freshest.’
Organic Humanoid - Most organics share common or similar pheromonal
And histamine chemistry to allow limited nonverbal communication, though under normal circumstances this will raise a few eyebrows.  

Detail: descent from 50,000 years of genetic modification;

Specify hair, skin, eye colours, from any list of any colors.

Iocaste’ - green skin, brown ‘hair’ prefers UV rich and moist
environments; nudists Photosynthetic
Friggian - blue skin, random skin patterns in darker shades of blue,sometimes hair of white or pastel shades,  prefer cool dry climes but very adaptable.
Arisian - descended from Ares company patented gene stock, long ago
emancipated; red skin, some are egg layers;  prefer arid worlds with low
gravities and thinner atmospheres; speak their own language
Kit: One set basic clothes or appropriate decor/garmentry.
 Created - Bots, Simulants, and Droids; all begin with infravision at 20’
They also share an electronic language that is incomprehensible to organics, though its use is considered vulgar by droids and offensive to Simulants. Pick a base chassis:

Base Bot -  an artificial mechanical life form.

AC 15  HD 1d6

Base Sim - an artificial semi-biological humanoid
(can pass for an organic humanoid)
AC 10  HD 1d4
Or Base Droid - an artificial mechanical humanoid;
(Andy, Ginny, and all points between and beyond)
(Can pass for a cyborg)
AC 12  HD 1d6
Also;  specify type of Artificial Voice
      Smooth as silk; ( HAL 9000; galaxina)
      Staggered RO-BOT-VOICE
      Beeps, whistles, toots, and wav files
      Staccato monosyllables (most doctor who villains)
      Normal but odd diction (EDI, Data, etc.)
      Intimidating (The Outer Limits Control voice)
Kit: You can interface with computer systems effortlessly &
Wirelessly without Additional gear (includes most Created)
within 5m.
Details: Production stamp or parental maker’s mark somewhere accessible
but inconspicuous.

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