Appendix G

Appendix G
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Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Some Imperial Armortech

Imperial Armortech

Type                     AC adj                  rules                              special
Vac Suit
6 hours of total life support in tanks ;  Suit rupture on 1 or opposing critical.
Most come with radio, full environ controls and plugs for gear/interface.
Environmental suit, light
16 hours of atmo  support/ryclcle in tanks;
Suit rupture on 1 or opposing critical.
Generic survival suit for Nitrogen/Oxy Humanoids et. Al..
E-suit, armored
Ruptures only on opposing crit. 6 hours operating time before recharge.
Paramilitary; often mod’ed illegally
Agil penalty -1
Powered Explorer suit (Exo suit)

16 hour recycling use/breathing before 1 hour rest;  perpetual battery Ruptures only on opposing crit.
Civilian ‘Scout armor’
Go-to for hostile world exploration; Agil penalty -2
Reflec ‘armor’
Does not affect armor class at all; Reflec is archaic but still in use on many low tech “Lasers are Nifty” planets.

Damage from all laser/light based attacks are reduced 4 steps on the dice chain; Shooter must make REF DC 14 save or laser rebounds in random direction.
You are a giant mirrorball that sounds like walking tinfoil.  Stealth is impossible.
Armor becomes useless after the wearer takes actual damage as it has cooked off in large areas by that time.
E suit, Desert (Stillsuit)

Recycles and captures moisture and most other waste products to aid survival to +2 weeks.
No Agil penalty

4 hour battery and atmo support life; Movement 35’ in water, 5’ without effort
Dedicated E-suit for liquid media.
Aquasuit (dense atmo rated)

4 hour battery and atmo support life; Movement 30’ in water or other dense liquid medium; 45’ in normal aqua-dense conditions.
Comms and plugs for gear and interface.   Wearer adds +2 to fort saves while the rebreather is active.
Dedicated E-suit for dense liquid media.  Also aids in breathing dense atmo when instructed.
Agil penalty -1 out of water.

Vac suits and light E-suits recycle/reuse as much gaseous, solid, and liquid waste as possible, they are run by high efficiency interface computer that does nothing more than constantly keep the suit running as efficiently as possible to keep wearer within certain variances. (Which can be reprogrammed if desired.
Armor, Uncommon & Milispec
Type                                       AC adj                                    rules                           special
Hard light Armor
+4 to +8  generally appears as radiant glowing armor pieces overlaid over the “wearer”  some can be tuned to x ray or IR light
Armor moves with character.  Can be destroyed by targeting the GenBee  projector (AC 25 - requires ultravision or quality UV filter)
Expensive as hell. also energy intensive as hell.
Nobles wear this.
Sirimet body glove
Memory armor has limited ability to self repair and self maintain.   Easily worn under other armor.  Waterproof when sealed.
Standard issue for Imp intel. and certain ‘opertatives’ also those fearing murder. No Agil. penalty
Personal Shield
+12 (nobles) to +6 (rare private citizen or imperial commander)
Provides no defense whatsoever against unpowered melee weapons.  
Only effective v. missile weapons, slug throwers, most energy weapons,
A small disc, worn as clothing. Noble stuff.  Expensive. The Imperium frowns on anyone really being able to shrug off blaster fire.    
Ceramic Clamshell
+7 AC bonus
Medium armor

(+4 as partially configured, light armor)
Basic load out for deployed imperial armed forces.  
Can be worn in partial configuration (light armor, weighs less)
Helmet often fitted with transmitter, tac blocs and harness allow fitting of additional d15 small items at no enc. penalty.  Can be fitted with respirator for E suit use.
Imperial Command & Control Armor
“Colonel’s Chrome”
+12 AC bonus
Levitate at will
Non-reductive reflec properties
(includes ImpTAcac)
Secure comms & storage up to 39 others;
Flight up to 360’
Sealed environment for 28 hours without discomfort.
Shiny chrome, kind of a designated target; can be fitted with micro Ansible relay with authorization (which is seldom given.)
Legionnaire armor, Scout
Assisted movement 40/60
Limited flight 90’ (indefinite hover; hover is silent)
Standard loadout is Forward Observation Sensor package and limited ability to communicate at short range in bursts.  Some outfitted with chameleon field
(Messiah Pack)
50 hp force field when active.
+6 AC v. energy weapons, slug throwers, anything guided or programmed.  
Imperial Tactical Pack; ECM/master-comms generator & force field maker.
Allows secure comms & info xfer with up to 12 others.
Officer loadout for hostile field landings. Standard ‘blackbox’ brick lodged deep inside when Legion issued.
See below
No way you start with this.

*Impermasuits -  the ‘ultimate form of  wearable hidden protection’; Made of advanced gel APFI but as “an incredibly advanced form of personal armor that is skin tight and basically invisible” it does not restrict movement (or anything else. one can have sex in it) protecting the wearers from radiation, the weather, heat or cold attacks, poison (unless imbibed, electricity, or acid.  IT also absorbs some of the damage the wearer would receive as kinetic energy which helps it retain its charge; likely the armor is at least partially *made* of force fields; mentioned for high level gams and an idea of what Imperial science is routinely capable of. Just remember if the nobles of the core can afford it, you and your world’s GDP pro’lly can’t.   You want some exotic tech?  QUEST FOR IT!

A few more weapons

Just a few more weapons before we move onto some armor. 

Non-Imperial or non-standard/ethnic weapons
Bolt Caster
3d6 ea
Recoilless; 2H weapon
Polonium tipped explosive bolts for
2d8 + poison (DC 18 fort save)
Success an additional 2d6
Failure additional 3d6, then 2d6, then 1d6
Super illegal,
Radioactively hot
A weapon of desperation and excess
Slaver Whip
DC 20 Fort save or blisses out for 1d5+pers bonus unable to violently resist.
Melee (1H)
Not illegal but very frowned upon in Imperial space
Class C weapon (Coercion)
Bait’leithe (the two handed axe-sword)
Melee (2H)
Cannot be used without proficiency
 Crits as sword.

The Bolt Caster is a large handcrafted weapon that would make gongfarmers think of a crossbow.  It fires superheated liquid metallic bolts that hit their targets with tremendous force.   The ‘bolters’ make a very loud sound when they are fired.  Weapons are ideal for microG use as they are recoilless.
The slaver whip is a wicked black and green bio-construct design-grown for the control of imperial humanoids.   While the technology pre-dates the current regime, it is not in common use.  (Also of note – the slaver whip does not inflict pain.  It is a contact reliant tasp.  Being hit by one of these things is, in addition to everything else, probably embarrassing.)

The Bait’lethe is the favored weapon of several clades of imperial humanoids; the ‘blade of forgetfulness’ will help you forget things a la Madame Guillotine.

Proscribed Weapons -only real criminal scum (just owning these in imperial space is often a death sentence)
Item                           Effect                         Dmg               range                         notes
Napalm Pistol
Fires a liquid stream of burning fuel gel.
5d6 (bare flesh)
3d6 (covered) REF save (DC 15) for half.
6/12/15 (yds.)
Continues burning 3d5 the next round, 2d4 the next, and 1d3 finally.
Paint Gun

(bulky and heavy pistol for what it is.  Lots of doodads on it)
A weak beam laser pistol used to drive a jacketed particle beam.  Nasty.
1d3 (laser) + 2d5 (particle beam) + 1d4 (radiation)

Note radiation damage is modified by the AC bonus provided to target by armor worn.  (a target in plate mail would roll 1d4+8 for radiation damage)
Fort save (DC points taken in radiation damage) to avoid developing cancer or similar in 1d4 years.
ISARC batch KR-3

(all such marked with the black pyramid of the Imperial Science Academy)

Each individually mole stamped with ident number.  

Note batch officially still is listed as on site in storage per Black Pyramid records.
Illegal experimental needle gun loadout
DC 25 Fort save
Failure subjects target to experimental reality warping drug.
As needler used
Drug use is potent and indefinite.  Fort saves (DC 20) can be made weekly to snap out of drug’s effects.
Note:  Criticals and Fumbles alike have the same effect;  both induce a quantum tunneling effect in the KR-3, where the target slides into a Splinter universe where their hallucinatory experience is there real.   
Weekly saves to throw off drug’s effects as normal; on success, target returns to prior universe (or home universe, if prior universe is not their native. )