Appendix G

Appendix G
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Friday, September 25, 2020

Venture seed: PUZZLEWORLD


Overheard in a well-connected High port bar

Imperial naval elements have been dispatched at the behest of contact teams now deep in the Far Sagittarius Arm at the discovery of an immense, nay, world-sized contragravity artefact. 

They are already calling it Puzzleworld.

Like some immense Escherian construct, ‘Puzzleworld’ hangs in the heavens, looking as though a world once intact were split into hundreds (maybe thousands) of discreet but intact semi-geometric fragments, and set apart – floating in suspension, separate but together.  Making it not only possible but….perhaps in places easy….to move through the planet along immense but intricate pathways wrought with gravitational distortions.  Literally making the planet itself a maze to navigate through if such is desired.

And who wouldn’t be curious about that? I hear they are looking for unsigned navigators to help chart the thing.   Surely the black pyramid will send along some ISA Swolehead soon as the currents sing.



A comms circuit, seventeen levels underneath the Black Pyramid, on Teranaya.

“Open new file.  Copy the disbursements approval board.   Approval board message begins.

Candidacy believed excellent.  Imperial Naval Artifact R1187 C987/76D


Candidate believed highly likely for classification as ISA Artifact/Known Precursors/Artifact Index/Wonder/possible site 7

“As department head of the deep archeo-history research and securities division and team lead of the Artefact Recovery Process (Internal) I ascertain the utmost likelihood of tremendous benefit and need for immediate haste to secure transit and research rights to Imperial Naval Artifact R1187 C987/76DR199a/SagDeepSurvey7 which is located deep in the unexplored Beyonds of the Sagittarius arm.  This is an area thousands of Lights beyond the Imperial frontier, and we know nothing of area beyond an index of local stellar phenomena and a strandful of quasi historical index suggestions.

Simply put my friends, rivals, colleagues, and bitter enemies of the Parasciences Institute, I put to you that this world is one of the Pretanaja “art installations” I have written so extensively of.  Naval intelligence suggests that the world is not presently inhabited and has not likely been for some time.  We MUST get on top of this. Securing such a site for Imperial Inquiry should be one of our top priorities for the coming Sidereal.

I still seek funding for a secure contact team to study another suspected such world, Wonder/Possible site 5, however I understand that as that is in the Neutral Zone with the Federation getting approval may literally take centuries.   

Regardless of the outcome, pending, to my request, I hereby tender a formal leave of absence as I am about to hire a starship with funds from the discretionary pile once I can find one crazy enough to take me that far beyond imperial space.  You can message me when you make approvals on the usual frequencies. 

Knej E. Kinshataywann, doctor

(Abjured) department head on leave


>>>>>>Replies available???

>>>>>>Priority one incoming/Director Maietbuyo begins

Alright you have approval, I’ll run it across the board in the morning.  Travel papers ae being arranged, also a sufficient dip into the discretionary fund to hire 2-16 contractors.  Please don’t go to this weird alien thing all alone?  The navy is already sending a team so you may not be alone out there.  Also, please leave a full metric persona backup with us before you lift, we can’t afford to rebuild your department because you got your skull crushed by a two ton weight.

Be Careful while sciencing Doctor.  
Hail the Empress.
Director K.E.C. Maietbuyo,
Parascientific studies and disbursements panel
Imperial Science Academy, Teranaya "