Appendix G

Appendix G
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Monday, January 8, 2024

FUNGICIDE - a Legions of the Imperium article (for Sub-ether 04)


A sweep and clear of some minor consequence for three to five fire teams of Imperial Legionnaires, levels 0-2


An old, nay ancient threat now but seldom encountered.

First contact it is said occurred early and again late in the First Empire.  Many wars.  As with the progression of time and the collapse of the universe, the pace of change for some civilizations is too much.  Sometimes even elder civilizations fall.

Their kind scattered too well.  Throughout the local group they came seeking mineral and material resources while bringing their fell gods and eldritch science-sorceries. They archeologie’d upon the Primordial Ones, much as the Imperium would later do.   They made war on their many enemies. But for many many millions of years, the star fungi, once commonly called the Migoh (once, the Migoux Plague; there were many wars) are threadbare.  No longer mighty empires spanning many galaxies, so much as many increasingly isolated settlements, running down, pondering the swelling of the stars and the end of times. Increasingly their religious proclivities demand their attentions. 

Many of that which they once served was long ago freed to Stalk the Galaxies once more.   Their own civilization weathered the experience, but it was a destructive period. The eldest brains of the modern era’s star flung settlements are led by councils of brains from this time. 

An Imperial deep survey vessel charting the Rim detected the telltale signs of gravitational lensing in a nearby star cluster.  Investigation led to an unmitigated fail of a  first contact situation.  Unlike most, this one ended in the disintegration of an imperial vessel.

You are the first responders. 

In some imperial variations, the Great Fungal War is about to begin……

download Fungicide here for absolutely nothing

Mi-go illustration  By Khannea SunTzu - - "I drew it in pencil. I own the full rights.", CC BY-SA 3.0,

check out more of their work here