Appendix G

Appendix G
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Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Afterlife the War of Overworld

Inspired somewhat by the Light and Darkness War and a bit of the Princes in Amber. And Tron.  And a bit of 40lk and some Luther Arkwright for flavour.

Not everyone who dies is dead.  Depending on where you are in the omniverse, sometimes as many as one in a thousand deaths are not deaths at all - they are recruitment.
You are pulled out of your cozy little smudge realm; your conception of the universe to that point by the great and terrible clockwork angels of ceramic and steel, iron and endless spinning wheels.
You have been recruited, drawn into the True Reality, and made to fight in the Great War.
The great war is not law v. chaos, it is Progress v. Destruction.

Your side - the architects and caretakers and coders of the omniverse, the clockwork angels seek to create to organize and then to diversify all of reality.  

Destruction seeks to prevent this.   

Perhaps at some point the War began when destruction’s forces did a thing and that created the various imperfect universes?  Or at least affected the many birthing universes at that time.

The conflict primarily occurs in the Overworld, a vast hyperspatial void. The True Reality.   Great Angel Grid Ships sail out and imagine-create new possibilities and then the Formatters attempt to organize them before they are Destroyed.  This is the First Front of the War.  IT is strategy and computation and endless fighting.  
The whole of the Clockwork Angels inhabit this realm and nothing more.   Their great ships are vast and spread out enough (And, well, the backdrop of all Reality is theirs) and so many never encounter conflict.
And it is onto one of these ships you have been recruited. You and other dead folk from across the near Omniverse.
You will train and then you will travel through the Gridway that allows each of the ships of the Angels connected and interconnected, and one.  And then you choose a front.
Most meat beings wind up going back into material reality. Few can manage to remain in the sterile backdoor reality for long without suffering ill or undesired effects.
Possibly some sacrifice themselves to become new angels.  This is kept secret.

Lots of Fronts in the Shadow worlds (like the universe you came from but many many others)


How did you die
  1. Drug overdose Become Healing Alchemists
    1. Can transform anything; can use their bodies as foodstuffs and drugs for allies
  2. Hate crime Become Thoughtcrimes
    1. Trained invasive investigative telepaths who are psychically dependant on their friends to keep them in line.
  3. Swivel chair syndrome - Slow slide into self destruction become Grunts
    1. Unremarkable in life, you are only chosen for utility.  Faintly gargoyle like.   Plug and play clas
  4. Suicide Become Martyraces
    1. Flying battle angel types;  designed to go solo in combat and take a lot of fire. Showy as fuck.  
  5. Participation in Warfare become Nifilfrit “smoking death”
    1. Half face and form is death incarnate, half is burning spirit of first creation.   You walk, death follows.   You are hollow however and long for the missing parts of your previous existence. Love, empathy, joy.
  6. Abuse of authority Become Blindfuries
    1. Chosen and deliberately twisted by psychic surgery into truthspeakers and incarnations of justice itself.  Quasi group mind making up the Goddess Justice.   They are all blind or blinded regularly and from this they derive their strength. Incapable of acting unethically as they believe it in any given situation.  

How do you feel about the Angels

  1. Second Chance. Now you can do something that matters
    1. ARe given clairvoyance abilities that work across the omniverse
  2. Religious contextualization problems
    1. Are empowered with a “show the light” ability allowing them to force / share their viewpoint on another
  3. SF  does not go for any of the heaven / angel trappings at all
    1. Are given first grade logician training.  You have uncanny flashes of insight as your subconscious mind is slowly evolving into a super computer; one day you will be called to battle school where only the best will survive to the Second Level
  4. Suspicious
    1. Are given the ability to determine, unerringly, when someone is being knowingly deceptive.
  5. Antagonistic
    1. Are given the power to heal their allies, friends, and loved ones if any.
  6. refusal/red pill/ wants to go back
    1. Are given window opening abilities, allowing them to see and transit to anywhere in the omniverse save their own home.

How do you wish to fight the forces of destruction?
Because of pointless ideas of parity thanks to years of white wolf abuse, I insist there’s a third group of thingies (backgrounds or stuff) one gets from having opinions on this. Like above, dig?

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