The Most Horrible of Mind Monsters - aspects of an illusionists arsenal
The Lords of Illusion have many weapons, many literally unimagined by the thronging masses of the mortal kine. Among the eldest, great behavioral constructs are ready to be unleashed upon their rivals. For it is the merciful illusionist that merely kills you.
There are things of the mind that prey upon the mind, live upon it's droppings and obsessions, and normally interact only with memes, notions and other wholly thought-like states. These most horrible of mind-monsters are creatures from beyond the 6th Iddit, a supernal realm of ideas & tangible possibilities. They could also be found bound/contained with a Steel Bottle of Repression (which can hold anything you can magic into it) or just something hurled at you by an angry Illusionist.
Once freed, these condition things primarily exist on the psychic plane with dual existence across multiple ethereal nodes. Unless stated otherwise they have no physical existence.
Especial Note to Judges: Be extraordinarily circumspect in dropping these critters into a campaign. Handled poorly these are precisely the sort of encounters that derail a session and lead to lack of agency and angriness. Use as desired but don't be the GM that leaves people hating the game.
Especial Note to Judges: Be extraordinarily circumspect in dropping these critters into a campaign. Handled poorly these are precisely the sort of encounters that derail a session and lead to lack of agency and angriness. Use as desired but don't be the GM that leaves people hating the game.
Unless you have a particular need to mess with the character's minds, I suggest they be used as a flavor encounter, especially when moving through an extradimensional, other planar realm of strange and Steve Ditko-like topography.
The Polychromantic Anxious Beast
Gets you revved up and excited and then you can’t control your thoughts; then horrors flood in.
Appearance - a constantly moving ever-shifting structure similar in some respects to snow on a television, but sparking, sparkling, and multicolored. (Faintly like the images from a kaleidoscope bubbling toward you in mid air)
The PAB can make you terrified of things that have no basis in reality. As an evolved form of behavioral/psychic illusion magic, the thing behaves rather like a Phantasmal Killer that has taken on a life of it’s own and wandered off to stalk the living.
DCC statblock
Polychromatic Anxiety Beast(xx number, if applicable): Init +5; Atk weapon +5 melee (no damage, forced inspiration see below); AC 15; HD 2d4; hp 7; MV 15' ethereal floating; Act 1d20; SP Forced inspiration, illusion casting, psychic existence; SV Fort -3, Ref +1, Will +5; AL Chaotic.
Forced Inspiration: On a successful hit, the target must save v. Will (DC 15) or be "inspired" - once so inspired, targets get no will save v. their illusion casting ability
Casting illusory suggestions - Once it has your attention, the PAB begins weaving a constant stream of illusory false perceptions. Once a round, it may suggest a belief, a course of action, or a 'new idea' and (if under the PAB's sway) the target has no choice but to accept it as true. The true menace is that unless this beast is slain the idea once transmitted can take on a life of it's own within the target's mind.
If the beast compels or directs (however intentionally or not) the target toward doing something that violates their essential nature, they do receive a will save (DC 15) to avoid doing that thing. If successful this may create an opportunity for the target to get free, allowing an additional save v. the Inspiration attack now at DC 20.
If for some reason the PAB uses this ability on one it has not "inspired" the target does get a saving throw v. Will (DC 10)
Exists on the psychic plane - AC 15 but only hit by magic, ethereal, or psionically active weapons* If somehow encountered in it's native envrionment give it 2d20 action die and increase all of it's saving throws by 2. Immune to crits. As a psychic entity, it can be exorcised or banished normally.
Tactics & RP: the Polychromatic Anxious Beast is not truly sentient but as a notion wandering the psychic planes, it has 'evolved' to interact with advanced sentient minds. In the realms of Deep Psyche, it is said that herds of these roam, numbering in the hundreds.
If the beast compels or directs (however intentionally or not) the target toward doing something that violates their essential nature, they do receive a will save (DC 15) to avoid doing that thing. If successful this may create an opportunity for the target to get free, allowing an additional save v. the Inspiration attack now at DC 20.
If for some reason the PAB uses this ability on one it has not "inspired" the target does get a saving throw v. Will (DC 10)
Exists on the psychic plane - AC 15 but only hit by magic, ethereal, or psionically active weapons* If somehow encountered in it's native envrionment give it 2d20 action die and increase all of it's saving throws by 2. Immune to crits. As a psychic entity, it can be exorcised or banished normally.
Tactics & RP: the Polychromatic Anxious Beast is not truly sentient but as a notion wandering the psychic planes, it has 'evolved' to interact with advanced sentient minds. In the realms of Deep Psyche, it is said that herds of these roam, numbering in the hundreds.
LotFP stats
Polychromatic Anxiety Beast
Armor 16, Move 15′, 2d4 Hit Dice, 7 hp, Forced Inspiration special damage, Morale 12. Nonmaterial existence, Forced Inspiration
Exists on the psychic plane - AC 16 but only hit by magic, ethereal, or psionically active weapons* If somehow encountered in it's native envrionment add a bonus of two to all saving throws. As a psychic entity, it can be exorcised or banished normally.
Forced Inspiration: On a successful hit, the target must save v. magic or be "inspired" - once so inspired, targets get no will save v. their illusion casting ability
Casting illusory suggestions - Once it has your attention, the PAB begins weaving a constant stream of illusory false perceptions. Once a round, it may suggest a belief, a course of action, or a 'new idea' and (if under the PAB's sway) the target has no choice but to accept it as true. The true menace is that unless this beast is slain the idea once transmitted can take on a life of it's own within the target's mind.
Exists on the psychic plane - AC 16 but only hit by magic, ethereal, or psionically active weapons* If somehow encountered in it's native envrionment add a bonus of two to all saving throws. As a psychic entity, it can be exorcised or banished normally.
Forced Inspiration: On a successful hit, the target must save v. magic or be "inspired" - once so inspired, targets get no will save v. their illusion casting ability
Casting illusory suggestions - Once it has your attention, the PAB begins weaving a constant stream of illusory false perceptions. Once a round, it may suggest a belief, a course of action, or a 'new idea' and (if under the PAB's sway) the target has no choice but to accept it as true. The true menace is that unless this beast is slain the idea once transmitted can take on a life of it's own within the target's mind.
If the beast compels or directs (however intentionally or not) the target toward doing something that violates their essential nature, they do receive a saving throw v.paralyzation to avoid doing that thing. If successful this may create an opportunity for the target to get free, allowing an additional save v. the Inspiration (again, save v. magic, tho now at +2)
If for some reason the PAB uses this ability on one it has not "inspired" the target does get a saving throw v. Magic; saves are at a +4.
If for some reason the PAB uses this ability on one it has not "inspired" the target does get a saving throw v. Magic; saves are at a +4.
Believed to be an evolved or adult version of the PAB, the Cloud of Preconception. rides on your head, hooks in your ears, eyes, up your nose and sometimes in your mouth...invisible. It alters your perceptions to advance its own agenda; fighting past the lies requires conscious effort and concentration and is an action. An apparent psychic cloud of millions of tiny cilla, they will 'hook' into a character and adopt them.
DCC statblock
Cloud of Preconception: Init +1; Atk weapon +2 melee touch (no damage see below); AC 10 (on the ethereal); HD 4d4+2; hp 15; Act 1d24; SP Neural possession; SV Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +5; AL Neutral.
Exists on the psychic plane - AC 10 but only hit by magic, ethereal, or psionically active weapons* If somehow encountered in it's native envrionment step up it's action die by one and increase all of it's saving throws by 2. Immune to critical hits. As a psychic entity, it can be exorcised or banished normally.
Exists on the psychic plane - AC 10 but only hit by magic, ethereal, or psionically active weapons* If somehow encountered in it's native envrionment step up it's action die by one and increase all of it's saving throws by 2. Immune to critical hits. As a psychic entity, it can be exorcised or banished normally.
Neural possession - the 'adoption' power. Once it hits a target that target must save v. Will (modifiied in this case by Intelligence) at a DC of 15. If they succeed, the attack fails, and Preconception will move on to the next target. Once a target fails this save, they become the focus for Preconceptions' activities.
I Dwell within Errors of Misinformation: Preconception dwells in the unconscious assumptions primitive meat based life forms make with their cultures and their experiences. Once it has possessed a target, Preconception uses it’s connection to the target's 'pheonomenal headspace' to implant lies once / round (no save) - it can insert one untruth, one ‘alt fact,’ into the target’s conscious mind at a time, even if the target is aware of Preconception and it’s ability the implanted lie will still feel/believe the thought to be their own no save.. This preconception lasts until Preconception uses the power on someone else.
Note that Preconception cannot force anyone to do ANYTHING. All it does is lie, selectively, and bias the target until it does as it is desired.
LotFP statblock
Cloud of Preconception Armor 12, Move #′, # Hit Dice, ##hp, +2 melee touch (no damage see below), Morale 10.
Exists on the psychic plane - AC 12 but only hit by magic, ethereal, or psionically active weapons* If somehow encountered in it's native envrionment add a bonus of two to all saving throws. As a psychic entity, it can be exorcised or banished normally.
Neural Possession - the 'adoption' power. Once it hits a target that target must save v. paralyzation (characters with a wisdom bonus may add it to this save). If they succeed, the attack fails, and Preconception will move on to the next target. Once a target fails this save, they become the focus for Preconceptions' activities.
Neural Possession - the 'adoption' power. Once it hits a target that target must save v. paralyzation (characters with a wisdom bonus may add it to this save). If they succeed, the attack fails, and Preconception will move on to the next target. Once a target fails this save, they become the focus for Preconceptions' activities.
I Dwell within Errors of Misinformation: Preconception dwells in the unconscious assumptions primitive meat based life forms make with their cultures and their experiences. Once it has possessed a target, Preconception uses it’s connection to the target's 'pheonomenal headspace' to implant lies once / round (no save) - it can insert one untruth, one ‘alt fact,’ into the target’s conscious mind at a time, even if the target is aware of Preconception and it’s ability the implanted lie will still feel/believe the thought to be their own no save.. This preconception lasts until Preconception uses the power on someone else.
Note that Preconception cannot force anyone to do ANYTHING. All it does is lie, selectively, and bias the target until it does as it is desired.
A trick for advanced judges: Once possessed, determine preconception's goal and then begin, as the Referee, slowly and subtly suggesting such courses of action.
This table might help.. Determine Preconception's Possible Goals
1. Preconception dislikes and is discomforted by those who are unlike the host, be it along racial, ethnic, alignment, or other (fairly arbitrary) lines. IT seeks to encourage the host to form a separatist community, away from those not like itself, where the host (of course) will be considered a wise leader. Those who do not go along with this will increasingly be met with ostracism and ultimately, violence.
2. Preconception makes you certain in your religious, legal, or moral beliefs. For the duration of Preconception’s “stay” changing the host’s alignment or affecting their mind to any degree is largely impossible. HOWEVER, the host’s alignment shifts to an increasingly inflexible, relatively Puritanical, variety of Lawful over time. Unless stopped, the character will lose the ability to question their own beliefs or reasons for doing things.
3. Suddenly a stray and passing thought takes on awesome and incredible significance. Regardless of their prior activity, the host will now become certain that this stray thought (it could be a subplot of the session, a rumor, a red herring, a snippet of table conversation, anything - be creative)
4. Preconception nests in the regions of the host’s mind where it detects discontinuity between the truth and the truth as the host believes it. Any misconceptions, wrong information, or outright lies believed at the time of possession are now considered Sacred Truths and are not to be questioned or thought deeply of in any way. The host changes very little BUT will simply be unable to accept that these false things are not completely true, no matter what.
5. Preconception creeps in from doubts about the host’s path and purpose. At the end of this adventure or game session, the host will disappear for 1d3 weeks; on return they will be seen to be attempting a new facet of their identity; the character will be attempting to act as though having changed character class even though they have not. Note that the host is not hallucinating or deluded in that way, simply they will be attempting a new path or career, and relying upon their old skill set as little as possible.
(And if you are using this for AD&D, maybe let them double class. Why not?)
6. Adventuring is ...dangerous. Immediately preconception blankets whatever personality urges exist that keep the host in their chosen (violent) line of work (presumed adventurer mercenary). After some days of contemplation, which may be influenced by things the host encounters in the course of events, they will attempt to withdraw from the adventuring life and begin pursuit of quiet contemplation.
Insufferable Internal Antagonist
Less a thinking being and more a mobile curse. Possibly related to the above creatures but definitely hailing from it's own evolutionary path. This jumbled grouping of "anti-glowing" spheres are drawn to intelligent, emotional life forms.
The IIA Cannot be exorcised as it is a mental being; once it has possessed an individual, it can only be banished by experience; learning to distinguish between what it says and what is and consistently ignoring it.
Appears as a tiny shadow, black as a singularity, surrounded by a corona of multi spectrum light. A tiny little black hole of doubt and uncertainty.
DCC statblock
Internal Antagonist: Init +0; Atk +4 telefestation (possession, 15’); AC 17; HD 4d4+2 hp 17; MV 25; Act 1d20; SP exists on psychic plane, telefestation; SV Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +4; AL Chaotic.
Exists on the psychic plane - When not possessing the living, it has AC 17 but is only hit by magic, ethereal, or psionically active weapons* If somehow encountered in it's native environment step up it's action die by one and increase all of it's saving throws by 2. It is immune to critical hits. As a psychic entity, it can be exorcised or banished normally.
If it is to be destroyed, it must be destroyed prior to claiming a victim.
Insufferable telefestation - The being’s primary attack form is its telefestation power; it takes a moment, syncs to the victim’s neural pathways and existentially teleports into the realm of the character’s mind. Now functionally as mortal or immortal as the host it begins a campaign of ruination and sabotage, indistinguishable in voice from the character’s own thoughts. It is a constant stream of self destructive suggestions. Most of the time that is all it is. Sometimes, it will insist on a course of action; failure to heed these whims leave the target at -1 to -2 to all actions for the duration of the day and they will fatigue easier. If it is to be destroyed, it must be destroyed prior to claiming a victim.
While it has possession of a character it, for all intents and purposes, is part of that character. It loans it's saving throw bonuses to the afflicted, save where their own influence is concerned. AT this point only a major quest (Judge's option) or an extended period of RP is going to get rid of this thing.
HOWEVER, those who do manage to outlast this thing gain a permanent +2 to their luck score, and can reclaim any two ability points lost. (If the character has never lost ability points, add up to two to their Personality score, max 18), perhaps somewhat less so if they quest for it to be rid of it. Further, the former victim now enjoys a permanent +1 to all will saves for the rest of their existence.
LotFP statblock
Internal Antagonist Armor 19, Move 25, 3 Hit Dice, 17hp, telefestation attack (see below), Morale 12.
Internal Antagonist Armor 19, Move 25, 3 Hit Dice, 17hp, telefestation attack (see below), Morale 12.
Exists on the psychic plane - When not possessing the living, it has AC 17 but is only hit by magic, ethereal, or psionically active weapons* If somehow encountered in it's native environment step up it's action die by one and increase all of it's saving throws by 2. As a psychic entity, it can be exorcised or banished normally. If it is to be destroyed, it must be destroyed prior to claiming a victim.
HOWEVER, those who do manage to outlast this thing gain a permanent +2 to their Wisdom (max 18) score, and can reclaim any two ability points lost if any. Perhaps somewhat less so if they quest for it to be rid of it. Further, the former victim now enjoys a permanent +1 to all saves involving mental fortitude for the rest of their existence.
Insufferable telefestation - The being’s primary attack form is its telefestation power; it takes a moment, syncs to the victim’s neural pathways and existentially teleports into the realm of the character’s mind. Now functionally as mortal or immortal as the host it begins a campaign of ruination and sabotage, indistinguishable in voice from the character’s own thoughts. It is a constant stream of self destructive suggestions. Most of the time that is all it is. Sometimes, it will insist on a course of action; failure to heed these whims leave the target at -1 to -2 to all actions for the duration of the day and they will fatigue easier.
While it has possession of a character it, for all intents and purposes, is part of that character. It loans it's saving throw bonuses to the afflicted, save where their own influence is concerned. AT this point only a major quest (Judge's option) or an extended period of RP is going to get rid of this thing. HOWEVER, those who do manage to outlast this thing gain a permanent +2 to their Wisdom (max 18) score, and can reclaim any two ability points lost if any. Perhaps somewhat less so if they quest for it to be rid of it. Further, the former victim now enjoys a permanent +1 to all saves involving mental fortitude for the rest of their existence.
The Creatures of the Id Realm
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“Id, Id, Id, Id, Id! It's a... It's an obsolete term. I'm afraid once used to describe the elementary basis of the subconscious mind.” - Dr. Edward Morbius, Forbidden Planet |
Play the Theremin. Do it now.
Initially invisible, these manifestations of repressed urges of evolved animal forms have tremendous potential power when unleashed upon the material planes. Such a being is fundamentally a force of pure mentality with vast control of an energy field which allows it's interaction with the physical world.
Creature from the Id Init +2; Atk weapon +10 melee grab and crush (2d8+10); AC 14; HD 8d10; MV 45; Act 2d20; SP lots; SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +6; AL Chaos.
Invisibility - unless saturated with energy the Id Creature is invisible and makes no noise in it's movement. Once it has absorbed it's Hit Point total in energy the creature becomes unable to hide, appearing as a blazing ego manifestation; often a distorted face or upper body appearing wrought of blue or red energy.
Energy Absorbsion- When manifested, an Id Creature is only able to interact with the material world through the use of an energy field; this energy field absorbs most forms of mundane energy; cold, heat, light, sound, acid, and blasts of concussive force all add to the Energy pool which allows it to power it's attacks but inflict no damage at all. The only known means of containing the entity (save dismissing it to it's home realm) is via force fields, which it cannot penetrate.
Note that other than fleeing or banishing this being, the only permanent way to kill this creature is via energy drain. (Assume the base creature's starting HP total represents a pool of energy that it may not use for other purposes.)
The reasons unknown to mage or scientist, the Id creature is unable to absorb the 'energy' (expressed in damage) from conventional melee or missile weapons. However such only inflict half damage and reducing the Id Creature to 0 hp in this manner will not kill it but send it into a resting configuration for 4d8 hours, after which it will regenerate 3 hp/hour until back at it's full hp total.
Focused Energy Touch - The primordial and base nature of the creature's mind prevents it from using it's energy fields for anything more complex. When pressed, the Id Creature may use it's banked energy (in terms of absorbed hit point damage) to burn or melt through solid objects. 3 or 4 should be sufficient to get through a wooden door, 10-12 for a high tech door made of steel. This may not be used as an attack on living creatures unless the creature is unconscious, sleeping, or otherwise inert. Energy thus expended is gone, and often appears in a fashion similar to the form of energy orginally absorbed. (Example - 140 points of damage have been thrown the Id Creature by Jem with her Laser Hologram Staff; hours later, the Id Creature seems to burn through that forged steel door with a 'laser touch' for example)
Energy Absorbsion- When manifested, an Id Creature is only able to interact with the material world through the use of an energy field; this energy field absorbs most forms of mundane energy; cold, heat, light, sound, acid, and blasts of concussive force all add to the Energy pool which allows it to power it's attacks but inflict no damage at all. The only known means of containing the entity (save dismissing it to it's home realm) is via force fields, which it cannot penetrate.
Note that other than fleeing or banishing this being, the only permanent way to kill this creature is via energy drain. (Assume the base creature's starting HP total represents a pool of energy that it may not use for other purposes.)
The reasons unknown to mage or scientist, the Id creature is unable to absorb the 'energy' (expressed in damage) from conventional melee or missile weapons. However such only inflict half damage and reducing the Id Creature to 0 hp in this manner will not kill it but send it into a resting configuration for 4d8 hours, after which it will regenerate 3 hp/hour until back at it's full hp total.
Focused Energy Touch - The primordial and base nature of the creature's mind prevents it from using it's energy fields for anything more complex. When pressed, the Id Creature may use it's banked energy (in terms of absorbed hit point damage) to burn or melt through solid objects. 3 or 4 should be sufficient to get through a wooden door, 10-12 for a high tech door made of steel. This may not be used as an attack on living creatures unless the creature is unconscious, sleeping, or otherwise inert. Energy thus expended is gone, and often appears in a fashion similar to the form of energy orginally absorbed. (Example - 140 points of damage have been thrown the Id Creature by Jem with her Laser Hologram Staff; hours later, the Id Creature seems to burn through that forged steel door with a 'laser touch' for example)
LotFP statblock
Creature from the Id Armor 16, Move 45′, 10 Hit Dice, 63 hp, Grab and Crush attack 2d8+10 damage, Morale 12.
Invisibility - unless saturated with energy the Id Creature is invisible and makes no noise in it's movement. Once it has absorbed it's Hit Point total in energy the creature becomes unable to hide, appearing as a blazing ego manifestation; often a distorted face or upper body appearing wrought of blue or red energy. Creature from the Id Armor 16, Move 45′, 10 Hit Dice, 63 hp, Grab and Crush attack 2d8+10 damage, Morale 12.
Energy Absorbsion- When manifested, an Id Creature is only able to interact with the material world through the use of an energy field; this energy field absorbs most forms of mundane energy; cold, heat, light, sound, acid, and blasts of concussive force all add to the Energy pool which allows it to power it's attacks but inflict no damage at all. The only known means of containing the entity (save dismissing it to it's home realm) is via force fields, which it cannot penetrate.
Note that other than fleeing or banishing this being, the only permanent way to kill this creature is via energy drain. (Assume the base creature's starting HP total represents a pool of energy that it may not use for other purposes.)
The reasons unknown to mage or scientist, the Id creature is unable to absorb the 'energy' (expressed in damage) from conventional melee or missile weapons. However such only inflict half damage and reducing the Id Creature to 0 hp in this manner will not kill it but send it into a resting configuration for 4d8 hours, after which it will regenerate 3 hp/hour until back at it's full hp total.
Focused Energy Touch - The primordial and base nature of the creature's mind prevents it from using it's energy fields for anything more complex. When pressed, the Id Creature may use it's banked energy (in terms of absorbed hit point damage) to burn or melt through solid objects. 3 or 4 should be sufficient to get through a wooden door, 10-12 for a high tech door made of steel. This may not be used as an attack on living creatures unless the creature is unconscious, sleeping, or otherwise inert. Energy thus expended is gone, and often appears in a fashion similar to the form of energy orginally absorbed. (Example - 140 points of damage have been thrown the Id Creature by Jem with her Laser Hologram Staff; hours later, the Id Creature seems to burn through that forged steel door with a 'laser touch' for example)
Notion, Hobgoblin
Hobgoblins of the Mind (4-16) Init +2; Atk none; AC 13; HD 1d8; hp 1 ea; MV 25; Act 1d20; SP Mind Goblins; SV Fort +3, Ref n/a, Will +1; AL Neutral.
Exists on the psychic plane - When not possessing the living, it has AC 13 but is only hit by magic, ethereal, or psionically active weapons* If somehow encountered in it's native environment step up it's action die by one and increase all of it's saving throws by 2 and add a physical attack at +4 that inflicts a d8 but does not critical; the creature itself is immune to critical hits. As a psychic entity, it can be exorcised or banished normally. Mind goblins -Visible but intangible to a single target (Chosen randomly or by circumstance) and both invisible and intangible to everyone else. Often manifesting via least corruption or interaction with behavior altering illusion magic. Usually manifesting as a 'plague' of 4d4 ‘hobgoblins” for the next d5 days which exist on the ethereal plane appearing as the target's fears and anxieties.
This has no game effect BUT if sufficiently rattled, a -1 to 2 penalty on a single roll is likely.
LotFP statblock
Hobgoblins of the Mind Armor 14, Move 25′, 1d8 Hit Dice, 1 hp ea, no attacks or damage, Morale 10.
Exists on the psychic plane - When not possessing the living, it has Armor of 14 but is only hit by magic, ethereal, or psionically active weapons* If somehow encountered in it's native environment step up it's action die by one and increase all of it's saving throws by 2 and add a physical attack at +4 that inflicts a d8 but does not critical; the creature itself is immune to critical hits. As a psychic entity, it can be exorcised or banished normally.
Mind goblins - Visible but intangible to a single target (Chosen randomly or by circumstance) and both invisible and intangible to everyone else. Often manifesting via interaction with behavior altering illusion magic. Usually manifesting as a 'plague' of 4d4 ‘hobgoblins” for the next d5 days which exist on the an adjacent mental plane appearing as the target's fears and anxieties.
This has no game effect BUT if sufficiently rattled, a -1 to 2 penalty on a single roll is likely. Concentration will be especially tricky at times.
The Doppelgänger Contagion
Extruded from another universe, these splinter analogs are motivated to enter our realm, replace ‘their imposter’ and thus secure physical existence in this continua.
The Invaders are actually splinters of many player characters that have somehow slipped across the hyperdimensional fabric to a matching universe (your game) where it may have a body to steal.
In all ways acting as the traditional creature, if successfully possessed, the character becomes (physically) a doppleganger.
Despite the existential threat this seems to represent, generally only small groups of (PC like) individuals seem interested in escaping their universe enough to take over the bodies of others.
Dopplegangers resemble the original character in almost every respect save where that doppleganger alters it's appearance to be more in line with it's original form.
The Doppelgänger Contagion Init +0; Atk +4 by weapon or +4 melee, (cellular disruption for 1d8); AC 17; HD 4d8; hp 19; MV 30; Act 1d20; SP possesion/duplication; SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +1; AL Neutral.
Possession Overwrite - a directed will attack on a physical being; this being must be a dimensional analog to the character whose possession is sought. This being will have similar memories and experiences to the character. A DC 20 will save is required to resist this attack.
If successful, the character becomes possessed and a passenger in their own mind while their body slowly becomes that of a traditional doppleganger (as above). This is an indefinite transformation. However, while otherwise incapable of action, the victim is entitled to another save (Saving throw v. Poison) every time they attempt to regain control of their body; this may be attempted every 2d6 days. These beings may also be exorcised or banished normally.
Contagion - once in possession of a body, the doppleganger may be motivated to find “it’s friends” and expose them to the ‘shade’ of the doppleganger’s home universe; (Fort save DC 15). If successful, then the created energy channel between universes will draw the appropriate doppleganger to the new target within 1d6 hours. AT that time the new doppleganger entity may attempt to seize control of it's designated host.
LotFP statblock
The Doppelgänger Contagion Armor 18, Move 30′, 4 Hit Dice, 19 hp, +4 to attack damage by weapon or 1d8, Morale 9.
Possession Overwrite - a directed will attack on a physical being; this being must be a dimensional analog to the character whose possession is sought. This being will have similar memories and experiences to the character. A successful Save. v. Paralyzation is needed to resist this attack.
If successful, the character becomes a doppleganger (as above). This is an indefinite transformation. However, while otherwise incapable of action, the victim is entitled to another save (Saving throw v. Poison) every time they attempt to regain control of their body; this may be attempted every 2d6 days. These beings may also be exorcised or banished normally.
Contagion - once in possession of a body, the doppleganger may be motivated to find “it’s friends” and expose them to the ‘shade’ of the doppleganger’s home universe; doing so creates an energy channel from that universe to the target if they fail a Saving throw v. Magic. If successful, then the channel will draw the appropriate doppleganger to the new target within 1d6 hours. AT that time the new doppleganger entity may attempt to seize control of it's designated host.
* psionically active weapons are here defined as any magical or super-science device or weapon that has intelligence, or an ego score, contains a soul or mind, or allows any of the following abilities
Detect (Any), ESP, Sending, Telepathy, Teleportation, Read Magic, Comprehend Languages, Charm, Locate Object, Clairvoyance, Clairaudence or basically any psychic phenomena, psionics, or anything that resembles them in funtion.
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