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Say hello to the head of the Centauri First Contact team. |
"So you are relaxed or on your back or in someone’s lap, but you are somewhere they told you was safe so you can talk about what happened. It’s okay. It’s going to be okay.
So you tell us, what happened? "
Add to character at chargen, or to fill in background, or add randomly to NPCs. Go nuts. Do whatever.
Add to character at chargen, or to fill in background, or add randomly to NPCs. Go nuts. Do whatever.
How much do you remember?
- Almost nothing. This is bullshit. There has to be a rational explanation
- If (God) wanted you to know, you would not have forgotten. IT is in their hands now.
- Bits and pieces. Images mostly. Terrifying.
- You see them in EVERYTHING. You are fearful and maybe becoming paranoid. You remember more than you want. PROTECT THE CHILDREN!
- What aliens? Those were guys in rubber suits. THAT guy was smoking FFS. What’s REALLY going on, man?
- My friend I have just had one HELL of an acid flashback..
- *tentatively reaching out to the speaker* I will tell you what happened but you will not believe me
- They beamed images directly into your mind. Birds of fire and many disasters. You are special. They wouldn’t lie.
- They will return. They have always been here.
- We are livestock.
Who are the aliens who rebuilt you?
- Eyes. the eyes, those fUCKING EYES I can’t get them out of my head
- Small, slim bodied gray skinned featureless humanoids in bodysuits, no wait, those are just the tools. Who are the ALIENS?
- Joints shouldn’t BEND THAT WAY aach like a bug LIKE A BUG
- Hoses and pipes and too many eyes and it’s a suit it’s a suit so many hands
- A commanding …..female? Voice. Guiding. Telling you what to do and think and feel. The details fade. She is old though. OLD.
- Just like me, but a little taller, a lot healthier, and idealized. With long hair. Always with long hair.
- Dripping slime...and enormous segmented slugs everywhere. OH GOD
- Glittering white-wrapped alien angels; they radiate cold benevolence but assure you they are on the side of Light. Your clothes are brefit of all colour thereafter.
- Blue...very very female. Or maybe ‘womanly’ would be more appropriate considering. Regardless, You are as livestock to them. You have a purpose and that is all. You are treated as an animal. You wish so much they would not. They do not speak but seem to communicate another way.
- Enormous swollen heads, tiny sunken eyes, and many pseudopods, wriggling in green alien soil. The foul vapour they extrude smelling of marsh stank. DON’T LET THEM TOUCH YOU
- It took your body, leaving you here like this. Somewhere in the world right now it runs around wearing your face and among your people. Do something about that.
- Cutting. Pain. Only voices and metal. The Doctors assure you all is well. You always wake when they cut into your eyes.
What did the aliens do to you?
- They put things inside you. You still don’t know what they are all for.
- 1d4 weapons
- 1d3 biomechanical infections that mimic spells from the DCC rulebook
- There is another...you inside. You avoid mirrors and reflective surfaces make you uncomfortable. You have been hypnotranced into not thinking about them but sometimes you black out and the other one does things. For them. Sometimes many weeks go by.
- For a time you carried one of their unholy hybrid things. Shortly before deciding to do something about it you had an episode of missing time and it was gone. You have unusual scars.
- You have, unbeknownst to you, a set of “trained muscle memories” that allow operation of their spacecraft, technology, and language under certain prescribed circumstances. The Judge will inform you when you encounter such as you will recognize it immediately.
- Sleep. You sometimes sleep for as long as 60 or 70 hours at a time and are always tired. You can’t think straight. Your dreams involve lots of repetitive numbers. It’s like they are using your head for drive storage.
- A long and involved physical examination that was frequently humiliating and gross. Following was a bizarre picture game exchange that made very little sense to you but fired many religious and sexual images into your brain directly. You sometimes still get warm thoughts thinking about the thoughts they gave you. You probably are not the same alignment you used to be.
- The pink laser is slowly tunneling its way through the perception filters to show you the world as it really is. The Solid State Conspiracy will FALL! Destroy the Beast whenever you encounter it or it’s servitors. FREE THE MINDS
- Your avatar keeps telling you this is just an episode of quiet. Be calm and it will pass but DO NOT INTERACT WITH IT MAGE. M@dn355 w@1+5
- You are a crystal-magik killborg. At unexpected intervals you will receive a signal telling you to KILL EM ALL for some inscrutable alien purpose. At that time one arm becomes a jagged black crystalaser (+6 to hit, 3d6 plus paralysation), one eye becomes a photoscopic x-ray laser (fires beams of negative energy that drain 1d4 hp and 1d6 ability points permanently) while your chest becomes your Heart Gun - a ruby quartz and gold blossom that opens up doing 10d6 on everything in a 75’ cone. You cannot control the firing on this primary weapon at all. Attempting to remove eyes, arms, or simucrystal heart matrix will result in weapon activation. User otherwise immune to own weapons. Do not have sex.
How did you get away from them?
- Somehow you managed to overcome their control, you stood up and simple physical aggression was enough to startle them away. Or so you tell everyone. You might be full of shit.
- You don’t know.
- Get away? I’m still here man. How do you think I got here?
- No one gets away from them. They can track you. Somehow you are tagged like cattle.
- You are escaping right now. This way, quickly. Keep your head down. Tell no one you were here. Be hidden. They seek you. Watch the skies.
- You were taken by people of your kind as part of some kind of deal with the aliens; other people, some of them young children, were offered forth in exchange for you. You …. Are haunted by why. Then the men made you sleep and you wound up wherever you wound up. Constantly look over your shoulder for any signs of the Men in Black Coats. They are not men, they are not men. Their flesh runs like wax and they bleed smoke and wire.
- There was a big fight at the alien base and I fled into the room with all those vats of dead babies and human body parts.
- You were aboard their craft when a violent flash of light and the reek of ozone knocked you out of the sky; you are the only survivor of the crash (that you know of) - also the authorities local to whatever backwater you landed in are DEFINITELY seeking you out as “an alien in human (or whatever) form”
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