Would you drink of fire?

The demonic psychedelia of the Book of Scarlet Abomination awaits you.
The Book of Scarlet Abominations is 60 pages of bright colours,
revenge, and demonic enlightenment. It
should be available for download on Drive thru RPG by week's end. I will make an announcement. But it’s dropping this week!
A patron book for the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG the BoSA includes the patron herself, Tamarah Pandoramicum,
background, her invoke results, stuff to tweak her bonding rite, Tamarah
specific spells, her plane(s), and the unique beings that attend her.
Her presentation here lines up dandily with her appearance in the 2017
Gongfarmer’s Almanac but you do not need that resource to use this book
obviously. I have tried to replicate as
little information from her appearance (or rather her Realm's appearance) in
that august tome.
Regardless the GFA is an awesome resource and the price is right.
Get it here https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/229278/2017-Gongfarmers-Almanac-consolidated-edition-Vols-18
Finally, don’t forget FREE RPG DAY is this weekend so get out there and
support your local gaming infrastructure.
Find a store here https://www.freerpgday.com/stores.htm
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