Appendix G

Appendix G
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Saturday, April 30, 2022

Spring update from the Gynoid

The response to Galaxy Black and especially the last few quite unorthodox releases has been simply fantastic – especially for a dense, digital only publication - and enough time has passed for me to be able to analyze a few things and figure out some tweaks to “the way forward.”  Worry not, nothing bad.  At all.

 Let's talk about Print on Demand 

The process of converting files over to allow for Print on Demand (PoD)is now well underway.   Part of the holdup thus far, has been that some books, especially the older ones, do not transfer over well and the degree of degradation is such that recreating from source file(s) is required.   Both the Book of Scarlet Abomination (BoSA) and the first issue of Sub-ether are being recreated as we speak. Tammy’s book is near done.   I hesitate to say more until I am holding a successful test copy in my hands, however.  

That said the newer stuff should be much less hassle to import SAVE that they are So Damn Long.  

The priority (I assume) most people would prefer is that I get Galaxy Black out first and basically everything else second.  

I would _really_ prefer to clean a few of the XXs up before doing so but I freely admit that will add time to things and greatly increase the likelihood of my tinkering further which could only make it come out that much later.

But if the feedback is there I will change tacks and get those out as absolutely soonest.   Tell me here, or but if you want those sooner, as is, TELL ME as I can totally make that happen if there is enough demand.

Left to my own advice and devices the books will come out in the rough order of how useful the print copy for that particular book will be at the actual gaming table v. how quickly I can get them converted over. 

 Sub-ether 04 should be finishing up in the next few months.  With any luck it will drop in both ansiblecast (digital) and maker (PoD) options at launch.  AS a lot of the material therein is of a relatively experimental nature (most of the Legion stuff just does NOT play well outside of that sandbox) rest asssured there will be a plenty of non-specific Collapsing Universe content for your DCC and Galaxy Black games.   A long form article unpacks the Space Gods from Book V as explicit power players in the campaign setting.   A class of noosphere wielding loremasters inspired by the works of John Varley and a rundown on the State of Imperial Conflict rounds out the issue, with lots of ways to use this material with Colony Black and prior Sub-ether issues.

xposted to the Dreaming Gynoid patreon.   Consider supporting us today! 

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