Appendix G

Appendix G
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Monday, July 8, 2019

the Princess of Demons is hiring magickal fools

Not a Disney Princess

Tamarah Pandoramicum, the princess of demons, hears your pleading cries for aid mortal sorcerer.  Got a problem?  Bully? A boss who passed you over for promotion again? Errant church hunters who won’t let up?   Parents who just don’t understand?

The book of Scarlet Abomination - 60 pages of rainbows, unicorns, and body horror

Get it Here

Galaxy Black Update

Let me say right now that layout alone will prevent me from ever eve ever doing a book this big again; at the least I won’t try it solo.   That said I’ve done more layout in the last nine months than I have done ever in life prior so hey I think that burn is called experience gain.
Metaphysics and the Gear chapter are in editing.   I have some tweaks I want to make to the chargen chapter but it and Worlds are largely done;
We shall see.   Impatience is sucking at my kneecaps in terms of wanting to get this out into the world but the struggle continues.   It will be done when it’s done and not a moment before.
The FAQ is being assembled, slowly from a series of long discussions with Chris Dunlap, who is the source of probably 95% of the questions on the FAQ. (They are good questions too!)  plus those that have come up in playtesting and a few other places.   Once that monster is done I’ll be posting it. 

Random things of no particular order or substance
The first round of playtests for the Spice Pirates is done.  This is one of two funnels I’m developing for Galaxy Black.  A good time was had by all but even for one of my games it went off the rails.
Final outcome – the lone survivors absconded from the market in a stolen flyer and proceeded to do a home invasion on some noble’s estate some 400km to the south.  Breaking into the home of one of the Great Houses of the Empire is bad enough but to wander into the nursery wing of House Thet’chel is a peculiar form of suicide.
Anyway demons were invoked.  The survivors killed a vampire and a named NPC before fleeing to Las Vegas.   I guess I will be improv’ing some modern rules huh?

I haven’t started running RAID ON PLANETOID P-4710a, the other (longer) funnel (0-1 if it were released, but a big party helps) just yet but soon. I need to make some maps for that first.  

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